Building Your Marketing Synergy by Design
Where are your Prospects Looking?
Once you determine your ideal customer’s greatest needs and concerns, it’s critical that all your marketing efforts – from how you answer the phone to print materials and online marketing – send a clear and consistent message developed to show your company as the perfect fit for their specific needs.
How is your print and mail marketing tied in to your web and social media marketing? Time and again, the clear winners in today’s marketing combine all their marketing efforts to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Your marketing has a multiplier effect when you reach prospects through more than one marketing channel.
Whether it is announcing your online offers with postcards and Facebook, or tracking your postcards back with messages and tracking codes personalized for each recipient, prospects are much more likely to respond to a consistent message they receive from multiple channels.
How are You Marketing in Print?
Right or wrong, customers and employees assume how you do anything is how you do everything. So print marketing doesn’t stop at the printed page.
Besides brochures, table tents, flyers, and business cards, you need to project a consistent image on aprons and other apparel, promotional items and signage… everything your prospect sees. Don’t miss an opportunity to show your would-be customers why your company is the perfect fit for their needs.
Every printed item, whether on paper or not, should direct your prospects back to your website and social media, so no matter what their preference, you have a way to reach them.
And remember, with Variable Data Printing (VDP), every card or letter can be tailored to the individual customer. That means greeting them by name and changing your marketing message depending on their income, preferences, or other demographic data. It also means being able to track them with personalized QR codes and URLs so greet them by name online as well.
Binding, Folding, and Tabbing? Yes, we do that too!
How are You Marketing by Mail?
In San Antonio, more money is spent yearly on direct mail than any other marketing channel. Why? You just can’t beat direct mail’s high performance and low prices.
When you combine Variable Data Printing (VDP) with direct mail, you end up with a powerful marketing proposition that is hard to resist.
Considering all kinds of demographics, from income to age, sex and interests, we’ll work with you to make sure every prospect on your mailing list is a perfect fit for your business.
Then we will greet your prospects by name on mail pieces designed especially to meet each customer’s concerns and encourage them to make the call or online connection.
The message they get online will match the message they get in their mailboxes for a marketing one-two punch aimed at bringing your message home and keeping your phone ringing.
How are You Marketing Online?
Your marketing plan can succeed only if it grows directly from your prospects’ needs and concerns. Job one is answering the questions that keep them from picking up the phone. Your marketing team combines decades of experience in print, direct mail, social media and web marketing to anticipate those questions to deliver a steady pipeline of new and repeat customers to your business.
Prospects of all personality types visit your website. A bottom-line personality needs to know prices and timeframes, while an analytical personality needs to know the ins and outs of how your industry works. That’s why you need to make sure your website includes something for everyone.
That means clear action items for the bottom-line personality and how-it-works for analytical personalities. That means including online ratings and Customer Testimonials for the prospect who wants to know how your company interacts on a person-to-person basis.
How are You Reaching Prospects?
The right prospect list is the lifeblood of your direct mail and e-mail marketing campaigns. Build the right list to convert more of your prospects into customers this year.
When you combine the right prospect list with a clear and consistent marketing message, your contact database will grow on its own as prospects share your marketing message with like-minded individuals by social media, e-mail and word-of-mouth.
Further, the more ideal prospects you turn into delighted customers, the more online and word-of-mouth customer referrals you can expect to receive because truly satisfied customers feel they owe you more than just compensation.
Consider the businesses you’ve referred when you think of how valuable a customer referral can be.
Put Your Marketing Puzzle Together
Your Marketing Team stands ready to help you figure out your ideal customer’s greatest needs and concerns and deliver a consistent message that shows your company as the perfect fit.
We’ll help you tie your print and mail marketing to your web and social media marketing for an over-all marketing strategy that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Call (210) 599-8071 now to start fitting your marketing puzzle together.
Let’s talk about your next project.
No matter your marketing challenge, call PC Creative Services today at (210) 599-8071 in San Antonio, Texas to put our marketing experience to work for you.